
What Christmas Decorations Are You Not Allowed To Put Up If You Are Muslim

20 December, 2021

Q As-salamu `Alaikum. Nosotros are a Muslim family living in Australia; we have a 10-year-old daughter. Christmas is coming up and this is the first year daughter insists to gloat Christmas.

She has already decorated a Christmas tree at school and made decorations. But at home, I don't make any manifestations of celebration. The trouble is that the subject is very big in her brain. She is interested to purchase a Christmas tree at home.

Every yr at this fourth dimension I am struggling to explain to her that every bit Muslims nosotros don't celebrate Christmas without conveying the impression that those who do are bad or wrong.

All my side of my family does celebrate and sometimes send presents for her, though we don't tell her the presents are for Christmas. And of form, all the shops around u.s. feed the atmosphere of celebration.

On the other hand, I don't desire her to feel similar she'due south getting a raw deal and that being a Muslim is second best. Can yous help me with how to deal with that?


In this counseling answer:

Sit down with her and talk to her about the origins of Christmas, why it is historic, and ask her if she agrees with the reason it is celebrated.

Discuss with her the similarities of both Islam and Christianity in regards to Isa (PBUH) as well as the differences.

If she views Christmas as just a  festive time with no spiritual connection (as she is only 10) you may want to explain that Christmas does have a deep spiritual connection and significant for Christians, just as Eid has for  Muslims.

As a New Muslim, Can My Kids Celebrate Christmas

Ask anyone who has a very curious young child. Instead, notice ways to help your children decide for themselves that Christmas is not their holiday, and provide an alternative path to participate.

Every bit salamu alaykum,

Cheers for writing to united states.  It is that time of yr again when the excitement of a holiday captures the attention of well-nigh children. This is also a fourth dimension of difficulty for some Muslim parents every bit children oftentimes seek to become a part of the festive atmosphere.

Your daughter is probably feeling festive and catching these feelings from the fun times at school wherein tree decorating, sweets, gift giving and other traditions surrounding Christmas is in full swing.

It is natural for her to want to participate, evening knowing that information technology is not an Islamic holiday, the joy of other children can be infectious!

Daughter Wants to Have a Christmas Tree at Home! - About Islam

There are many ways in which Muslim parents handle the vacation times, whether it is Christmas or some other vacation that is happening. Some Muslim parents strictly forbid their children from participating in any way, shape or class.

Other Muslim parents let their children to experience others' holidays and joys outside of the habitation by letting their children participate in holiday parties, souvenir-giving, and other related activities but do not have copse, gifts, etc in their home.

Some Muslim parents will decorate their homes and have tree's and gifts, feeling there is no harm as theyare not celebrating in the Christian way, simply are letting their children experience a holiday joy.

I am not a scholar so I cannot speak on what should be done or how. I do know that every bit Muslims we are not to compromise our faith.

I would kindly suggest that insha'Allah, y'all sit with her and talk to her about the origins of Christmas, why it is celebrated and ask her if she agrees with the reason information technology is historic.

Hash out with her the similarities of both Islam and Christianity in regards to Isa (PBUH) too as the differences.

If she views Christmas as just a  festive fourth dimension with no spiritual connection (as she is only 10) you may want to explicate that Christmas does have a deep spiritual connection and pregnant for Christians, merely as Eid has for  Muslims.

Check out this counseling video

All the same, Christmas time has become very commercialized and sadly (for Christians) has lost a lot of the significant it was supposed to take for Christians.

Thus, it'due south entreatment to some non-Muslim children. There are a few ways to deal with respecting others traditions/holidays, staying in alignment with Islamic beliefs while building bridges.

NoorKids got creative addressing this issue with children stating "Most ofttimes, forbidding something outright makes information technology more than enticing.

Ask anyone who has a very curious young child. Instead, discover means to help your children decide for themselves that Christmas is non their holiday, and provide an alternative path to participate.

Ane action that nosotros've adult to achieve these goals is to broil cookies for Christian neighbors and friends, along with a carte du jour that shares our love for Prophet 'Isa (AS) as well. Through this, we can build bridges and educate others well-nigh what Muslims believe about this of import figure".

With that said,  during Christmas, yous may (or may not) feel comfy with the higher up arroyo which would insha'Allah teach your girl respect for others, while honoring our own holidays and behavior.

You may wish to discuss with your daughter the fact that as Muslim's nosotros have our holidays besides that are joyful and festive.  Just because our holidays and celebrations practise non fall on December 25thursday does not mean we are "2nd all-time."

It simply means we have different days and ways of celebrating.

You may wish to start pre-planning for Eid effectually this fourth dimension by getting her idea's and suggestions for Eid parties and celebrations. In this mode, you lot are taking the focus of any loss of fun she may be feeling and placing it on our anticipated dearest Eid holiday.

At that place are many ways to help children get through the Christmas season without feeling conflicted. Promoting joy and pride in our holidays, also as beingness happy for those celebrating their holidays-is one. We wish you the best!


Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no consequence shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees exist held liable for any damages that may ascend from your decision in the employ of our services.

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